ECE 227

Course Description

In this course, students will be introduced to the fundamental concepts of discrete mathematical structures and finite-state machines. They will gain proficiency in utilizing logical and mathematical formalisms to effectively tackle problems in the field of computer engineering. The curriculum covers various topics such as propositional logic, proof techniques, recurrence relations, sets, combinatorics, relations, functions, graphs, trees, and finite-state machines. Through comprehensive instruction and hands-on exercises, students will develop the necessary skills to apply these concepts and solve real-world challenges in the realm of computer engineering.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Constructing formal proofs in propositional logic.

  2. Constructing informal proofs using a variety of mathematical techniques.

  3. Solving problems in combinatorics.

  4. Analyzing running time complexity of algorithms

  5. Identifying properties of mathematical relations.

  6. Identifying properties of mathematical groups.

  7. Constructing finite-state machines.

  8. Identifying properties of graphs and trees.


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Date Topic - Slides Reading Homework
Week 1-2 Course Logistics, Propositional Logic Ch1 On Zybooks
Week 3 Proofs Ch2 On Zybooks
Week 4 Sets Ch3 On Zybooks
Week 5 Functions Ch4 On Zybooks
Week 6-7 Algorithms Ch5 On Zybooks
Week 8 Number Theory Ch6 On Zybooks
Week 9-10 Induction and Recursion Ch7 On Zybooks
Week 11 Counting Ch8 On Zybooks
Week 12 Relations and Digraphs Ch9 On Zybooks
Week 13 Graphs Ch10 On Zybooks
Week 14 Trees Ch11 On Zybooks

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