ECEN 478-479

Course Description

This is a two-part capstone design course for the undergraduate electrical and computer engineering programs. Topics covered include the design process as applied to electrical and computer systems, application of technical design tools, and application of professional skills. After finishing these two courses, students will acquire comprehensive insights into creative problem-solving, cutting-edge tools, and crucial teamwork and communication skills. Through the courses, students will emerge well-equipped to navigate the intricacies of electrical and computer engineering and excel as adept professionals in the field.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate the ability to identify and articulate the scope and objectives of a design project.

  2. Formulate designs that align precisely with given specifications and requirements.

  3. Integrate principles of professionalism, ethics, social awareness, and global responsibility into design processes.

  4. Investigate and assess existing design solutions through comprehensive research.

  5. Construct models outlining the structural components of systems under consideration.

  6. Develop models illustrating the behavioral aspects and functionalities of targeted systems.

  7. Apply manufacturer-specific device specifications effectively within the design process.

  8. Skillfully utilize computer-aided engineering tools to enhance the design workflow.

  9. Collaborate adeptly within a team to collectively design and rigorously test intricate systems.

  10. Prepare meticulous technical reports and deliver articulate presentations showcasing design methodologies and outcomes.


  • Lecture Notes

  • Ford, Ralph Michael Coulston, Chris S - Design for electrical and computer engineers theory, concepts, and practice-McGraw-Hill (2008)


Date Topic - Slides Reading Homework
Week 1 1. The Engineering Design Process Ch1 On Blackboard
Week 2 2. Teams and Teamwork Ch2 On Blackboard
Week 3 3. Project Selection and Needs Identification Ch3 On Blackboard
Week 4 4. Engineering Requirements Ch4 On Blackboard
Week 5 5. Functional Decomposition Ch5 On Blackboard
Week 6 6. Oral Presentations Ch6 On Blackboard
Week 7 7. Ideation and Concept Evaluation Ch7 On Blackboard
Week 8 8. Behavioral Models Ch8 On Blackboard
Week 9 9. Testing and Verification Ch9 On Blackboard
Week 10 10. Project Management Ch10 On Blackboard
Week 11 11. Legal and Ethical Issues Ch11 On Blackboard
Week 12 Students Presentations Papers On Blackboard

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